Roman Aqueduct de Barbegal

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The highlight of my recent trip to the region of Provence in France was the Roman Aqueduct de Barbegal. Such an incredible feature of architecture, ingenuity and engineering it really must be seen. The Roman Aqueduct de Barbegal are well known in the local area so I suggest you do as I did and try to avoid the busy parts of the day. I went early evening which also meant the sun was setting and sun was shining through the arches.

The site is free to access. It is near Arles and Fontvieille. It is worth walking along the route which is not too difficult. At the end of the arches there is the steep hillside which was once covered by 8 mills. They use the water that cascaded down the hillside from the aqueduct in sequence. Each mill had 2 millstones. They produced a variety of produce including wheat flour for the estimated nearby population of 12000 people.

The site has been listed by UNESCO since 1981.

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