Month: August 2020

Good things come in threes

Estimated Reading Time: < 1 minute

Composing a nice balanced picture is critical. There is a well-known rule of thirds. This divides the picture into 3 horizontally and vertically. Like the # sign, but straight. When applying the rule the main subject of the photo should fall on the intersection of the lines. I discuss this in relation to landscape photos on this page. So why Good things come in threes? Because there is another rule of 3.

I also think that when taking a photo of a group of things, there are other rules of 3. For example trying to organise the subjects into triangles is often a good idea. I also find that 3 inanimate objects is the minimum for a group photo if it is to look interesting. And to choose short depth of focus. In these shots I took some simple items in groups of 3. With 1 or 2 there’s not as much interesting depth, focus, lighting etc. Good things come in threes.

I have made these photos available for purchase on my Adobe Stock store.

Here you can see the photos all have shadows and reflections on the shiny surface. All adding more to the image without adding more items.

Other photos of mine are available for purchase on my Adobe Stock store or directly below.

Stacked logs make an interesting shot

Estimated Reading Time: < 1 minute

It seemed that when I was looking for a photo of stacked logs the majority I found were all very similar. No surprise there as they were all in fact pictures of logs. But all nicely beige and circular seemed too good to be true. When I went to look at my stacks of wood for this winter they were not like that. Dare I say, more interesting with a variety of shapes and sizes with a nice selection of greys. In the end irregular stacked logs make an interesting shot.
Some are available for purchase on my Adobe Stock store.

Other photos of mine are available for purchase on my Adobe Stock store or directly below.