Month: April 2020

Create unique desktop wallpaper

Estimated Reading Time: < 1 minute

An interesting idea to create some bright and unique desktop wallpaper.


  1. A large glass vase or dish
  2. Small blocks, for example lego, cotton reels
  3. Water
  4. Cooking oil
  5. Washing up liquid
  6. Colourful image


Time needed: 1 hour

Colourful oil on water for bright wallpaper

  1. Put the blocks on the colourful paper

    If possible out of shot

  2. Put the dish on the small blocks

    Making sure it’s level

  3. Fill the dish with water

    carefully as splashing will spoil the paper, also not too full as could get you in trouble spilling the water when you have to empty the dish

  4. Add a few drops of washing up liquid

    start with 5; you can always add more

  5. Add oil to the water until the surface is covered with droplets

    a gentle stir can help

  6. Take the shot and experiment


The results will vary depending on the lighting, the background,  the movement, if any, of the water. The result is guaranteed to be a unique desktop wallpaper.

In the above photo I went crazy and laid some garden flowers on the surface. More tips on this subject are available on the web, for example, here.

Some of my photos are available for purchase on my Adobe Stock store, via the link in the menu or directly below.